Saturday, December 15, 2012

 IT HAS BEEN A DAY:  I awakened to the fact we hadn't put Ceritha on the Nook and that has been our project of the day. Not totally sure accomplished it. Got a message that Nook couldn't verify some unnamed item and I would have to call them. Sooo that will have to wait until Monday.

Another project not completed for Smashwords or Kindle and now was needed for the Nook,  was a pictture of me. My hair is due for a total overhaul. I really  hadn't planned it out well 'cause the overhaul is due tomorow. Took the picture today anyway and its ok. I don't plan to say more on that.

About four in the afternoon I remembered the blog. It is now seven in the evening and here I sit in a fog trying to think of one more snippet, My son, Dan just set a steaming cup of coffee in from of me and I see he put Bailey's in. Mmmm I feel a snippet coming on.

Okay if any of you catch that picture I must give credit to Martha, my daughter in law. She pushed and tugged then patted my hair to the best shape she could, told me to put on lipstick and artfully adjusted a scarf over my T shirt. Then she held a chair throw in back of me for our backdrop while I sat down. Danny informed me he planned to take several shots. I grinned and grinned and grinned. 

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