Sunday, December 16, 2012

A RAINY DAY IN TEXAS:  Can't seem to get my mind in gear. I have the blog screen in front of me and instead of working on it I stare dreamily out the window at the rain.  Why do we get so upset at kids who have an assignment to finish and stare unseeing off into space?

 We usually tell them in our most mature of adult voices, "if you would only concentrate, you would already have that job done." Probably true.  But in the daydreaming I have done this morning, I have mentally visited two old and dear friends and apologized to the dog for telling her she was a bad girl for not marching masterfully into the rain when I put her out to 'go'. I also refused to share a bite of my breakfast with her, a cardinal insult from a fellow pack member.

In this household, I refer to the dog as alpha dog four. In the pack I am alpha dog three and my son and daughter in law alpha dogs one and two.  One just announced to me he had put her out earlier and she did everything expected of her.  I felt like asking him what jammed his circuits that he couldn't have shared this info sooner. Now I am going to sweet talk four to a fare thee well the rest of this day.

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